

Movie List




Infos for Libraries


Guest Book


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Important Notices

The Last One of his Trade / Der letzte seines Standes

Information for public libraries and schools

The documentary series is particularly well suited for teaching purposes and we hav frequent inquiries and orders from schools. The movies have been screened by independent public German film juries and have received high marks for their educational and artistic value. You may want to view a short example

Public use

This includes not for profit showings in schools, clubs or companies.

130,00 EUR

per movie,  please inquire for discounts on orders of more than one movie.
Price does not include applicable sales tax and shipping.

The documentaries "The Log Mover" and "The Fiddle Maker" are comprised of two movies each, special pricing applies, see order form.

Order form for public use (PDF document)

Library use

Includes not for profit library use (public libraries).

170,00 EUR

per movie,  please inquire for discounts on orders of more than one movie.
Price does not include applicable sales tax and shipping.

The documentaries "The Log Mover" and "The Fiddle Maker" are comprised of two movies each, special pricing applies, see order form.

Order form for library use (PDF document)

Movie list

Movie Sample (1.07 MB)